• Course Description Guides

    The course guides for middle school & high school are housed below. Critical information is contained within each respective course guide to assist students & families to make informed decisions regarding course selection. 
    Starting in middle school, students should plan for their high school credits & graduation. All students entering Cleburne High School must meet the requirements of the Foundation High School Plan. All students entering Cleburne High School will also be started on the pathway to a distinguished level of achievement. Each student will have the opportunity to earn an endorsement in specific areas of study by completing a coherent sequence of courses in the areas of Arts & Humanities, STEM, Public Service, Business & Industry, or Multi-disciplinary Studies. 
    According to Texas state law, students must pass all required State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR or EOC) examinations in order to graduate. Middle school students take STAAR in the 6th, 7th & 8th grades. High school students take five STAAR "End of Course" (EOC) assessments for five courses: English 1, English 2, Algebra 1, Biology & US History. Any student in regular education who has not mastered all parts of the STAAR/EOC exams by May of their 12th-grade year cannot receive a diploma.
    Counselors, teachers & other school employees work to ensure that each student has a four-year high school plan of study suitable to each student's individual needs & interests. We encourage students to plan for their post-secondary futures when selecting courses.