• Social Emotional Learning


    According to the Collaborative for Academic, Social & Emotional Learning, or CASEL, Social & Emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.


    In Cleburne ISD, Social & Emotional Learning is an integral aspect of what we do. It is important to us to create a learning environment for students & staff that is caring, equitable & responsive to student need. Through our partnerships with Capturing Kids Hearts, CharacterStrong & our own home grown Values of Excellence, we strive to integrate Social & Emotional learning into every part of the school day.


    To learn more about Social & Emotional Learning, please visit the CASEL website, CASEL.org.

    To learn moreabout our Social & Emotional Learning curriculum & systems, please see the information below. 



  • CharacterStrong

    Character Strong Logo

    CharacterStrong provides a comprehensive character development & social emotional curriculum that is aligned K-12. The curriculum provides lessons that include developmentally appropriate content & videos as well as "Character Dares" that allow students to practice the skills taught through the curriculum. 

    Beginning with the Purposefull People curriculum, students learn high leverage skills that build resiliency & positive character traits in students. Elementary students receive the Purposefull People curriculum through guidance lessons provided by the school counselor. The CharacterStrong curriculum is provided  at the secondary level by teachers, in partnership with their school counselors, through classes in which the student is already enrolled. Check out more information about this program here!

  • Hope Squad

    Hope Squad Logo

    Hope Squad is a peer-to-peer suicide prevention program. Hope Squad members are nominated by their classmates as trustworthy peers and trained by advisors. The program reduces youth suicide through education, training, and peer intervention. Check out more information about this program here!


  • Values of Excellence

    On every campus in Cleburne ISD, we seek to know every student by name, need & strength. In order to build a culture based on relationships & growth, Cleburne ISD has created the Values of Excellence; a series of values that make us who we are. We want our students, our staff & our parents & community members to be ALL IN for Cleburne ISD & to value the things that make us excellent.

    Staff, students & parents/community members will all have the opportunity to engage in the Values of Excellence through professional learning, curriculum, videos & all in challenges. 


Values of Excellence Graphic
Values of Excellence Graphic Spanish