About Phoenix DAEP

  • DAEP DAEP stands for Disciplinary Alternative Education Program, a placement for students who have violated certain
    provisions of the Student Code of Conduct. Students are separated from all other students in the district.
    The instructional focus at DAEP is English Language Arts, Mathematics,Science, and History.
    An additional component addressed is the student behavior.
  • OUR MISSION The Cleburne Disciplinary Alternative Education Program
    is committed to the belief that all children can learn
    and all inappropriate behaviors can be modified.
  • OUR PURPOSE The alternative program is designed to motivate students to improve decision making,
    to gain insight and self-control over intense emotions that often lead to acting out
    and acquire an increased measure of self-discipline in the social context of
    interpersonal communication and interaction with authorities and peers.
    The Phoenix campus is a structured environment.

Guidelines & Procedures