• Skyward Scholarships opened on Wednesday, February 8, 2023.  Counselors met with seniors in their English classes for guidance on how to complete these applications. If they are absent, we call them down individually to the counseling office. Deadline is March 20, 2023 at 4:00pm. PLEASE MAKE SURE ALL OF YOUR PAPERWORK IS TURNED IN VIA EMAIL TO COUNSELING DEPT AT CHSSCHOLARSHIPS@C-ISD.COM.

    Some scholarships require teacher evaluations. Please email your teachers directly to ask them to fill one out for you. They already have the google document. If the scholarship asks you for a recommendation letter, tax forms, and/or essays, email these items to us at chsscholarship@c-isd.com. Please check your school email frequently because we will be emailing you if additional information or documents are needed for a particular scholarship. Lastly, if you need to physically turn in scholarship materials, you may bring them directly to the CHS counseling center and we can scan the documents. 

    If you need the evaluation form for a community member, please share this form with them. Confidential Evaluation Form